Wednesday, January 12, 2011
For some reason I always forget this simple truth.
We were designed from the ground up by the Master Architect to be single-mindedly focused......obsessed....
With what? With the Master Himself.
That is one of our intended uses - it was the intent that was up on the heavenly white board before our first cells started dividing.
It is such a part of what we are that if we don't revel in the Master, we will find a counterfeit. We will revel in something - actually almost anything. And it is always empty.
Even as a believer in Christ - even as someone who has probably heard 100+ sermons on this exact topic - I find myself forgetting the simplicity and sense of alignment and peace that comes from obsessing over my Creator.
I mean think about it - if you look at the words obsessing might have the same gut reaction as me. That is, something along the lines of "obsessions are bad - it means you're unbalanced". But this is actually wrong thinking.
Obsession has a bad rap because the things that we tend to obsess over are inappropriate. In fact there is one and only one Thing we are made to obsess over - and that is the King of The Universe.
Scripture has a name for misplaced obsession - idolatry - it's a stained-glass word that means obsessing over something other than God. And as with many of the things we are instructed of by God, it is for our own good that we obey.
I challenge you to celebrate The Almighty - to obsess over The Holy One. Let everything else fall away - see if you find yourself feeling empty or feeling like you finally discovered how to really live.
Monday, January 10, 2011
Quantum Leap Techniques, part 1 - The Interface
This is the first in a series of posts I will call "quantum leap techniques" - simple counterintuitive things that you can do to step your coding game up to the next level.
When you are creating a system and laying out the way that you will organize its behavior and data, you will undoubtedly find yourself creating layers of objects. We can go over approaches to layering in certain contexts and the specific ways you may decompose a system at a later time.
For now we will cover one very specific aspect of layering - the interface between layers.
Every time one object interacts with another, there is a contract between them - the way that the two objects in the relationship "talk" to each other.
The Good
If the objects have a clearly thought out way of speaking with each other, it will be clearer what the responsibility of each object is. This in turn makes it easier for the next programmer who comes across this code to make a change. Because they will have a basic structure to follow, and less information that they will have to synthesize and keep in their short term memory.
The Bad
If the relationship between two objects is allowed to become muddy, responsibilities will be less clear as well. This makes it much more difficult for future maintainers to modify.
The Ugly
Taken to the extreme - there are no lines of responsibility. In this case the fact that the two objects are separate is totally irrelevant - since we have given up any benefits we might have otherwise gotten. In fact having separate objects at this point just makes things more confusing.
So what's the solution??
I'm glad you asked.....the ultimate solution is ongoing diligence, making sure to keep responsibility clear between objects.
More concretely though - to keep the lines between objects clear and well defined really requires focus on the interface between objects.
Yet more concretely - lines between certain objects need more attention than others. For example, a very clear and controlled line should be drawn between display/presentation and business logic. In places like this where you would like to draw a clear line, or just anywhere you would like to make sure focus is placed on separation a useful tool is to code to an interface (the actual language construct).
That is to say, the client object should access the its dependencies only through an interface, avoiding any dependency on the interface's implementation(s).
Why this helps is because the exercise of writing an interface focuses attention on the method signatures - that is it is more difficult to be distracted by implementation.
The result of this is more clarity around separation and placement of responsibilities.