Tuesday, May 6, 2008

LINQ and Other Recent .NET Extensions

I am a recent convert from Java to .NET...(start imperial march music here) ... however, I'm kind of liking it - Microsoft has done some neat things with C# and .NET that have got me really going lately....one of the neat things (which has been built on a number of the other neat things) is LINQ...

LINQ (from a Java Programmer's perspective) is a shot at an ORM package that is integrated with the runtime - so no additional packages needed. So that's neat...

But wait, there's more - it also provides a querying syntax / structure that's abstract enough to even be used on standard collections, like arrays, lists, etc.... now that's cool - and it can eliminate a bunch of code when doing simple things like looking for a "User" object with a last name of Smith in a List.....

But one of the coolest features of this thing - is that it is built on all the other neat things that have been released with this environment (see: delegates, lamdas, dynamically typed variables [var], among some other things).... why is this neat - cause if you jump into the LINQ rabbit hole - you will learn a number of other things along the way.....

Here is a GREAT LINQ, er, link.... enjoy:

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